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The Power of ICT in the Digital Age
Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has revolutionized the way we interact, work, and conduct business in today’s digital world. It encompasses a vast array of technologies that facilitate communication, processing, and transmission of information, shaping industries and enhancing everyday life.The…
Muxuu yahay warka weyn ee kasoo kordhay shirkadda Apple iyo taleefannadeeda Iphone-ka
Muxuu yahay warka weyn ee kasoo kordhay shirkadda Apple iyo taleefannadeeda Iphone-ka
Muxuu yahay wax ka beddelka ay shirkadda Apple ku sameyneyso taleefannadeeda Iphone
Dad badan, ayey telefoonnadoodu marin habaabiyeen kadib markii saacadda alaarmiga ay ku xirteen, waxaana ay taasi keentay in ay soo dhici weydo ama uusan taleefanku soo shanqarin xilligii lagu borogaraamiyay. Qayladhaan arrinkaasi ku aaddan ayaa is qabsatay baraha bulshada, ka…